Interview with Rich Maddocks of Monarda Community Care
“After losing many loved ones and family members to addiction, my work became mostly centered in harm reduction. ”
Rich Maddocks is the founder of Monarda Community Care a collective of holistic practitioners “working to dismantle colonial frameworks and contribute to collective care.”
Monrarda Community Care has been hosting monthly wellness clinics at The Hudson Area Library co-sponsored by The Spark of Hudson since May 2022. The clinic has well over 404 Hudson residents receiving NADA Ear Acupuncture, a treatment founded by the Black Panthers and Young Lords in NYC.
Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Rich Maddocks and I am a Community Herbalist and Acupuncture Detox Specialist living in Hudson, NY. My work is centered in harm reduction, social and health justice, access to care and work contributing to a collective vision of holistic care.
How did you start with NADA EAR Acupuncture?
After losing many loved ones and family members to addiction, my work became mostly centered in harm reduction. While in herb school, several folks in my cohort had recently been certified in NADA acupuncture and after learning about the history of the protocol felt it was completely aligned with the work that I was pursuing. I often wonder if my loved ones would still be here had they had access to this resource sooner. I became certified in 2021 after completing a clinical internship at NYHRE in Harlem, NYC working alongside Juan Cortez.
What inspired you to bring the project to Hudson?
I feel deeply rooted in this community and wanted to offer this resource to folks in our community with the least access free of cost and stigma.
What are your ultimate goals for project? Do you have any plans for other clinics?
Monarda Community Care will be expanding greatly starting this spring. We have some exciting new programs that are inclusive to youth as well as a collaboration with the Columbia County Jail in the works.
To learn more about the history of NADA Ear Accupuncture protocol watch Dope Is Death a documentary from VICE